Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sixth Week

I can't say this week has been a particularly eventful one for me, though I did go to the first meeting for any extracurricular group I've attended so far this year (I said I would look into those in the first entry on this blog, but scheduling conflicts and the like prevented me from going to meetings for any of the clubs I was interested in up until this week). It was for the Environmentalists. The meeting was pretty short because there wasn't much that needed to be covered but I got to talk to a few new people so I won't complain.

Classes didn't seem to hold too many surprises for me this week, either. There were no papers due, only a short story assigned for one of my classes (the same one I had to write poetry for last week), which was not a big problem for me (the poetry had been the much bigger challenge). My English Proseminar class kept things interesting (to put it one way) by talking about psychoanalysis, which made for some slightly awkward class discussions.

Aside from that, I don't have too much else I've been involved with. I do have a few other meetings coming up that I plan to go to, but things are pretty calm at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you finally had the chance to go to an extracurricular meeting. I didn't realize you were interested in environmentalism! Does this group sponsor any events on campus? I don't know too much about the Environmentalists at ONU, but I'd definitely be interested in hearing about it sometime!
    Hopefully some new friendships stem from your involvement with the Environmentalists. It's always nice to hang out with people from outside your typical social and academic circles. They can be sources of new information or conversations, and can cause you to question the way you currently view things -- all stellar for personal growth.
