Sunday, October 13, 2013

Seventh Week

While I didn't have any major events that I went to this week, classes did provide some interesting moments. In my Philosophy and Film class, we watched a movie called "Dead Man," which pretty much succeeded in confusing everyone in the class because of its long stretches of wandering through the woods and its excessively weird, psychedelic tone. It's a movie I would recommend just for the experience of watching it, considering how many bizarre moments it managed to fit into two hours.

In English Proseminar we read about, and discussed, feminism, which I just sort of avoided saying much one way or the other about in class. The discussion was pretty interesting though, as it bounced around between problems with radical feminism, whether men can be feminists, and so on and so forth. Earlier in the week we also had our second drill in that class, where we had to interpret a poem psychoanalytically, which was definitely kind of a challenge to say the least.

Other than that, I've mostly just had to revise my poems for one of my other classes, which has been a great experience given how easily it comes to me to write poetry to begin with (which is to say not at all). I'm also going to have to write a paper analyzing the philosophy of a movie soon, but I haven't started that yet, probably unwisely.


  1. The feminism conversation in your Proseminar class seems like it would have been interesting to sit in and listen to. Personally, I try to stay out those conversations as well because they can get intense quickly. I have made the mistake of discussing a topic that lead to a feminism conversation with a friend of mine, who has a minor in Women Studies, and I thought I was going to lose my head because of some of my comments.

    I have a question for you, what all goes into a English Proseminar class? I'm just curious because I do not really get out of Freed and King Horn much for classes and it seems like you have mentioned it a few times.

    1. Mostly in English Proseminar we analyze pieces of literature using a specific type of literary criticism. For instance, we recently analyzed a film clip (which was different from the usual poem or story) through a feminist lens.
