Monday, December 9, 2013

Uh-Oh, SpaghettiOs (Obvious Pun)

I've covered a few instances of messages and advertisements from companies that were not thought out so well, but this has to be the most stunning. Recently, on December 7, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor was celebrated. As anyone with a basic knowledge of American history knows, the Pearl Harbor attack was a surprise attack on an American naval base by the Japanese, after which the United States declared war and entered officially into the Second World War.

Knowing that, it's hard to imagine why SpaghettiOs thought this was a good idea. The company tweeted an image of its cartoon logo holding the American flag. Their intentions might have been perfectly good, but the juxtaposition of a cartoon logo as goofy as theirs with an attack that killed literally thousands is obviously poor planning. Predictably, the response was a combination of outrage and amusement at the poor judgment of the brand.

SpaghettiOs deleted the tweet and apologized for it, which was probably the best thing they could do at this point. However, this effort was potentially undermined by a former director of digital marketing and social media, who appeared to lay the blame at the feet of those who attacked SpaghettiOs' tweet. Overall, the biggest question here is how anyone could have thought the original tweet was in any way a good idea.

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