Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 15

This week mostly consisted of receiving assignments or knowing that I had assignments due within the next few weeks, and yet choosing not to work on them for no justifiable reason. I have a portfolio of work due for Intro to Creative Writing. I have a paper due for English Studies. I have another paper due for Philosophy and Film. I have done pretty much nothing for all of these assignments.

On the positive side, I don't know that I have any actual finals. It seems that my classes have generally just assigned papers instead, which could mean exam week will be pretty relaxed. In the time leading up to exam week, on the other hand, I need to actually start working or I'll be in some serious trouble.

Instead of actually doing work this week, I ended up distracting myself with YouTube videos, talking to other people, and writing. I did actually get some writing done on projects I've been working on for a while, so that does count for something. Still, I probably need to actually get to work soon, or face serious consequences.


  1. Lately, I have had the same problem of not working on assignments. You're not alone! For me, I have to wait until motivation strikes me and then I can get things done. Hopefully you have a relaxed finals week! Mine will be pretty relaxed, with one actual final and a dance showcase.

  2. Noah, I believe every college student can feel your pain on the list of unfinished assignments. Day after day I write the same assignments down that I still need to finish before finals and day after day I watch myself procrastinating. I know procrastination is a bad habit, but I honestly believe I work best under pressure. Well, sometimes I should say. If too much pressure is built up, then I will break (sometimes), but just the right amount of pressure gets me energized! Good luck with the next couple weeks! Dead week finally begins!
