Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week 9

This was a decent enough week for me. Classes were mostly okay, although Tuesday night became a mess when I realized I had a 30-page short story that I hadn't started (I mostly have to blame myself for that one). Thursday was probably the most eventful day for me, as I got to meet with a visiting author, Tessa Mellas, to go over a piece I'd written. We definitely have two different writing styles, but I did get some useful feedback from the meeting and I'm glad I got the opportunity to have it. I also went to the reading that hosted her that night, which was pretty interesting.

That was definitely the most significant thing to happen this week, as for the most part for the rest of the week I just worked on whatever I needed to get done (quite a few things were for this class, though I again have my procrastination to blame for that). On Friday we analyzed a Britney Spears song for one of my classes, which was pretty weird to begin with, but made even weirder that the rest of the class decided I should read the lyrics, which I did.

Other than that, not an especially eventful week for me, but enough happened that I wasn't bored either, so I can't complain.

1 comment:

  1. Noah, I hope the 30-page short story wasn't too terrible! Did you have to read a 30-page story or write one? I didn't know you were such a distinguished writer! I would love to read one of your pieces!
