Friday, September 6, 2013

Dawn of a New Year

It's hard to believe that it's already been a year since I first started college. Freshman year went fast in a lot of ways. As for this year, I guess it'll take a while before I know if it's a fast year or a slow one. So far, there hasn't been anything too major to talk about for this year. All my classes have been okay so far, though unfortunately I've already missed a class, which isn't a great thing in the first week of school. Too late to worry about that, though.

I've got a few organizations I'm thinking about joining. Mainly, clubs and things like that that I signed up for last year but never showed up for. I might be a little more proactive on those sorts of things this year, though it doesn't help that I have a 6:30-9:15 class on Tuesdays. The clubs include the Environmentalists,  World Student Organization, and a couple others.

As for classes, they seem to be more centered around my major (creative writing) this semester, which is a good thing. The only downside to that is that I'll have to write poetry, which isn't really my forte, but I guess I can deal with that. Other than that, I have a class where we get to watch a movie every class, which is pretty cool.

In terms of goals this year, I do have a few. Grades are pretty obvious. I'd also like to meet some new people. I suppose getting involved in those groups I mentioned might be helpful in that area. But for the most part, I guess I'll just wait and see how things play out.


  1. Since you're one of the few people in the class that I don't really know, I'm really looking forward to looking at your blogs! I remember as a freshman walking through Welcomefest, signing up for any club that half-way caught my eye. It's impossible to join all of them, but finding out what you are really interested in and passionate about helps. I made the mistake of trying to join all "professional" organizations that would look good on my resume. As a result, I went to a LOT of boring meetings (some of which I almost fell asleep at) and missed the opportunity to meet more people who share the same interest as me. I really hope you meet the goals you have for this year, I have no doubt that you'll be able to do it!

  2. I understand where you're coming from completely, but this year is how you make it. My freshman year went by so fast. It almost felt like I just took a few naps in my dorm and left. But I came back in sophomore year ready for anything. If you look at the glass being half full most of the time it'll be a lot easier for you to maintain your social life, academic life, and stay active in all of your organizations. From the way it sounds you're already two steps ahead. Good job and good luck!
