Friday, September 13, 2013

Third Week In

Three weeks into the year, things have begun to pick up a little bit. I've already had to write my first paper for the year, which luckily wasn't too difficult, though I don't have a grade yet for it. I like most of my classes pretty well so far. My philosophy class in particular is nice since we watch movies every class, although so far they've been one's I've already seen.

In terms of social events and the like, there was the English Department picnic this week, which I did go to for a while. Unfortunately, it had to be on one of the days that was about 90 degrees, which was not especially pleasant. Aside from that it was okay. I saw a lot of people I know and there was free food, which is always a plus, even if I did have to bear through the icebreaker which no one really wanted to do because of the heat.

So far, I think my grades are going okay as well, though I haven't really seen them. There are definitely some classes that are presenting me with challenges, but I think I can probably handle them. Of course, it's important not to get overwhelmed, but I haven't had that much work so that hasn't been much of a problem yet. Overall, nothing too big has happened yet, but the year is beginning to start for real.

1 comment:

  1. Noah,

    I have also began to present some struggles in some classes. I am currently taking a spanish class that is difficult. Keep your head up, you're doing great!

