Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week Four

The fourth week of the year passed without anything of great significance, but it wasn't a boring week either. In Philosophy and Film we watched "Memento", which basically succeeded in confusing the whole class, as the movie tends to do. That class has also assigned its first paper, which I have yet to start admittedly. I did, however, get back the first paper I wrote for this year, and I got a pretty good grade on it, so academically this year is going all right so far.

For my screenwriters' workshop, I had to go to a film festival this Friday, which was a fairly interesting experience. We saw a few short films which we were pretty funny, followed pretty jarringly by a documentary about a murder that happened in Findlay a few years ago. Everyone seemed to agree this was not a good way to get excited for the weekend.

Lastly, Saturday was family day, so my family came up for the first time since move-in day. Everything went pretty well, as we checked out the street fair and went to Lima to eat. I had to answer all the inevitable questions about classes, my roommate and so on, but it was still pretty enjoyable overall. All in all, it was a pretty good week.

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