Sunday, November 24, 2013

Measure What Matters Chapter 12

Chapter 12 focuses mostly on measuring relationships with salespeople. Obviously, it's important to find out just how well they're selling your product, as well as their overall satisfaction. For many large companies, this can be difficult. Often, money is thrown at the issue without any knowledge of just how useful the data being collected is.

It can also be a problem if there isn't both a clear message and a clear objective in all communications. This is particularly a problem with franchisees, since they may cater to a different audience than the company as a whole. The solution the book proposes is to focus on the commonalities in the message. Also, it's important to have a measurement program in order to find out what is being said and what image is being created.

This chapter was interesting because of its focus on communications within a company rather than with those outside of it. It's easy to forget that companies rely on many others for their success, and they may often have their differences with those people. The book definitely provides some useful advice in how to overcome those differences and be successful as a company.

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