Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 12

I seem to say in pretty much every one of these blogs that I didn't really have an eventful week. I'm sorry for how repetitive that must be at this point, but it's still true this week. My week wasn't boring for me, but I didn't really go and do a whole lot. So, I really don't have much I can write about here, I'm afraid. I just figured I would give that disclaimer before I talk about the usual things.

For Intro to Creative Writing, we once again discussed pieces of writing that students had done. This week, all three were poems. As I've said a few times before, poetry isn't exactly my strength, but it wasn't actually too difficult to comment on these ones. On Wednesday, one of the students in the class also gave a presentation about Japanese puppetry, which was random but relatively interesting.

In Philosophy and Film we watched a film based on a play by Shakespeare, which was honestly fairly difficult to follow. English Proseminar was pretty much how it's been when I mentioned it before, which is to say that we discussed a method of literary criticism that was complicated but fairly interesting. I did have an essay I had to write for that class this week, but it was pretty easy. Hopefully, the fact I thought that doesn't just mean I'm going to get a terrible grade on it and find out I did it completely wrong. Anyway, as the beginning paragraph insinuated, that's really about it.

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