Saturday, November 2, 2013

Week 10(?)

This was a fairly uneventful week for me, in terms of what went on here in Ada. On Monday, I had a drill for one of my courses, which was made slightly interesting by the fact that we had the choice of interpreting a Britney Spears song for one of the prompts. I didn't actually do that, though, although I did end up reading the lyrics out loud for the class, because they insisted on this.

I actually missed my film class on Tuesday for a concert I went to back in Columbus, which I didn't get back from until close to 2 a.m. The concert was pretty good, although I still need to watch the movie I missed by not going to class that day. The same class that I had the drill for Monday made things interesting (though fairly depressing) by focusing on Marxism for Wednesday and Friday.

I did get to adapt a few pages from a novel I wrote for Screenwriting Workshop on Thursday, which was pretty interesting. I did enjoy getting feedback from everyone about ways to build the story and make it work in a different format from what I'd originally written it in, so that was pretty cool. Other than that, it was a mostly pretty calm week.

1 comment:

  1. Noah, your week sounds more eventful than I anticipated. After reading your first sentence in your blog, I thought your week would be "uneventful." Going to a concert in the middle of a week sounds pretty awesome to me! What concert did you end up going to? Hope you had a terrific time!
