Monday, November 11, 2013

"Measure What Matters" Chapter 6

Chapter 6 of "Measure What Matters" focuses mostly on how to get numbers that accurately reflect important factors. It starts out by advising the reader to use search settings that are sure to yield relevant results. Next, of course, those results have to be reviewed and tracked, as to eliminate anything irrelevant and get a good sense of the substance of the results.

After a month or so, it should be determined what outlets matter. That is to say, it must be determined what outlets mention the respective product the most, which get the most comments and so forth. Having done all that, eventually one must make a judgment on what the market's opinion is not only for one's own product but for one's competition as well. Lastly, the information that's gathered--particularly in regards to the competition--has to be used to gain the advantage, of course.

The chapter finishes by noting that it's important to find a way to quantify things like feelings by carefully selecting what to monitor and when to do so. All in all, the chapter is pretty short, but definitely packs a lot of useful information. It's easy to see the importance of everything it lays out, but it isn't stating the obvious because of how precisely it lays these steps out. I feel like it managed to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time without making the reader feel lost or confused.

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