Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week 11

In terms of classes, this week doesn't have a whole lot worth writing about. Everyone got their drills back in English Proseminar, and I think basically everyone had gotten 100 percent. Everyone was pretty baffled by this, but there wasn't any weird catch or anything like that. Aside from that, the class was pretty interesting this week given our discussion of philosophical concepts. There was definitely some pretty technical stuff being talked about, but I personally found it interesting.

For Intro to Creative Writing, we got to critique poetry--which was not especially great given my lack of knowledge of poetry--and fiction this week. The fiction was a little easier for me. It is fairly interesting to see the work of the other students in the class, and I look forward to submitting my own work for the class.

Other than that, I really didn't have much at all. My Philosophy and Film class was cancelled this week, which means I didn't have it for two weeks in a row. Screenwriting Workshop wasn't too eventful, and of course we know what happened in Social Media for the past week. I do think I have some papers coming up, however, which means a change in pace for sure.

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